TOP 10 Games using 41x63mm sleeves
We are starting a fun series of Top 10 Games that we love most that use a specific sleeves size :)
We love making TOP 10 lists and people love to read about best games. This is a fun series that will start to repeat a bit as many game use multiple sleeves and will fit on multiple TOP LISTS. It might still give you an idea of what to try next.
If you have a good idea how to improve these lists for next year, please let us know your ideas.
TOP 10 GAMES - 41x63mm

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 120-240 minutes
Mechanisms: Hand Management, Open Drafting, Tech Trees, Trading, Variable Player Powers
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, S65 65x65mm
If you can stand the lenght of the game… the game is a good re-implementation of the PC game. You will develop your civilisation from nothing up to a super power.

Publisher: Hush Hush Projects
Players: 2
Playing Time: 60-120 minutes
Mechanisms: Communication Limits, Hand Management, Role Playing, Simulation, Storytelling
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, BEU 80x120mm
Role playing a couple.. yes, this is the game. It's actually fun if you can find another player that is willing to play it with you.

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 30-60 minutes
Mechanisms: Action Retrieval, Cooperative Game, Dice Rolling, Variable Player Powers
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, STN 57,5x89mm
A cooperative game of adventuring and saving the damsels in distress.. mostly about killing goblins and necromancers and such. An interesting card game that would need some expansions.

Publisher: CMON
Players: 2-5
Playing Time: 90 minutes
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, 1 vs Many, Area Movement, Variable Player Powers
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, TCG 63,5x88mm
A big minis game of »1 vs. many« that is filled with action. The theme is very intresting as players face the 7 Deadly Sins.

Publisher: CMON
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Grid Movement, Campaign
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, TCG 63,5x88mm, BST 70x120mm
Each player controls a group of 3 heroes that run amok on the map trying to score some points by defeating enemy heroes and/or NPC. The game is short enough that a few bad rolls don't leave a bad taste for too long.

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Players: 1-6
Playing Time: 120-180 minutes
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Modular Board, Dice Rolling
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, STN 57,5x89mm, OSDE 102x128mm
I'm a fan of scenario games that tell a story and are replayable. This game offers a lot of combinations that make each scenario replayable even if you know the main gist of it. It's a long game but if played with fewer players, it's a managable project.

Publisher: Druid City Games
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Open Drafting, Worker Placement
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, S65 65x65mm, STN 57,5x89mm, BST 70x120mm
Such a beautiful production, with a lot of good choices. Leveling up and trading goods to get better and better at fighting monsters… just lovely.

Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Players: 2-6
Playing Time: 180 minutes
Mechanisms: Area Movement, Dice Rolling, Team-Based Game
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, STN 57,5x89mm
This game is old.. and you can feel it just by reading the rulebook. But if you are a fan of WOW and you want to get some nice vanilla feeling, there is no better board game out there.
The leveling up in this game is done right. It's one of the best there is. It makes the game go long but the difference between a level 1 character and a level 5 is huge. You really feel like a hero that spent hours leveling up and collecting new gear.

Publisher: CMON
Players: 1-6
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Dice Rolling, Scenarion / Campaign Game, Solo Game
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, BLC 70x110mm
Zombicide games got same-y and our group lost interest in the generic versions that were coming out.
I bought this version for the miniatures mostly but after trying it, it is now my preferred version. Kids love the superhero theme while adults love the much more streamlined gameplay. Definitely the best Zombicide in my book.

Publisher: Grey Fox Games
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Set Collection, Variable Player Powers, Worker Placement
Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, TCG 63,5x88mm
I hate euro games where you build up stuff just to then throw some dice and maybe succeed. Champions of Midgard has plenty of this… but with the Valhalla expansion (I won't play this game without the expansion) this whole thing is mitigated. This is my preferred vikings game.