Top Lists 2024 RSS
TOP 10 Games - First Time Played in 2024
We love games! We started our company because we care about the games that we play. This time we decided to take a look at the best 10 games that we played for the first time in 2024. Santa Maria - review Publisher: Aporta Games Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 45-90 minutes Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Network and Route Building, Open Drafting, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers, Solitaire Game Timing is the king in this game and every decision you make is a well-balanced decision of “will the profits outweigh the risk?”. The Lord of the Rings...
TOP 10 Games using 57,5x89mm sleeves
TOP 10 - 57,5x89mm Chronicles of Crime Publisher: Lucky Duck Games Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 60-90 minutes Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Deduction, Storytelling Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, STN 57,5x89mm A detective game done in a good way. The scanning with the phone is fun and fast (better than searching a thick book with a reference or printing out a deck of cards for each scenario). Arkham Horror (3rd Ed.) Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games Players: 1-6 Playing Time: 120-180 minutes Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Modular Board, Dice Rolling Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, STN 57,5x89mm, OSDE 102x128mm I'm a fan of scenario games that tell...
TOP 10 Games using 63,5x88mm sleeves
TOP 10 GAMES - 63,5x88mm Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Publisher: Paizo Publishing Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 90 minutes Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Deck Building, Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Multi-use Cards, Variable Player Powers Sleeves: TCG 63,5x88mm, This is a campaign game that really awards you for the time you put in. Your hero at the end of the game is a demigod compared to the rusty sword wielding character that you started with. The multi-use cards combined with the deck being your life, puts you in a tough spot. Should you discard a card for the...
TOP 10 Games using 70x120mm sleeves
TOP 10 - 70x120mm Hellboy: The Board Game Publisher: Mantic Games Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 60-90 minutes Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Dice Rolling, Variable Player Powers Sleeves: MUS 41x63mm, TCG 63,5x88mm, BST 70x120mm, OSHB 130x168mm A dungeon crawler in the Hellboy universe. It's a generic dice rolling adventure type of game with the IP. I would suggest this game to the Hellboy fans. Tiny Towns Publisher: AEG Players: 1-5 Playing Time: 45-60 minutes Mechanisms: Eng Game Bonuses, Grid Coverage, Pattern Building, Variable Player Powers Sleeves: TCG 63,5x88mm, BST 70x120mm If you like tetris type of games, you should have...
TOP 10 Games using 59x92mm sleeves
TOP 10 GAMES - 59x92mm Near and Far Publisher: Red Raven Games Players: 2-4 Playing Time: 90-120 minutes Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Network and Route Building, Open Drafting, Variable Player Powers, Worker Placement Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, EUR 59x92mm A worker placement game with a twist. Players spend time between preparing their »wagon« in the town and exploring different maps & reading lots of interesting stories. Concordia Publisher: PD-Verlag Players: 2-5 Playing Time: 100 minutes Mechanisms: Action Retrieval, Deck Building, Hand Management, Open Drafting, Set Collection Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm A thinky economic development game in the Roman Empire times. ...