TOP 10 Games using 59x92mm sleeves
TOP 10 GAMES - 59x92mm

Publisher: Red Raven Games
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 90-120 minutes
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Network and Route Building, Open Drafting, Variable Player Powers, Worker Placement
Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, EUR 59x92mm
A worker placement game with a twist. Players spend time between preparing their »wagon« in the town and exploring different maps & reading lots of interesting stories.

Publisher: PD-Verlag
Players: 2-5
Playing Time: 100 minutes
Mechanisms: Action Retrieval, Deck Building, Hand Management, Open Drafting, Set Collection
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
A thinky economic development game in the Roman Empire times.

Publisher: Cranio Creations
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Real time, Worker Placement
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
A real-time game with sand timers, where players have to frantically run around the pirate ship to prepare and shoot the cannons, avoid rocks and other ships…

Publisher: KOSMOS
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Dice Rolling, Scenario Game
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm, BEU 80x120mm
A puzzle game that will play with your mind. With all the monsters on the map, your brain goes into fight mode, but at the end of the day you need to kill just enough of them to not let the castle be over run, while you still need to finish the quest before the time runs out.

Publisher: Mindclash Games
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 30-120 minutes
Mechanisms: Action Points, Dice Rolling, Worker Placement
Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, EUR 59x92mm, BAN 70x100mm
This is a brain burner that pays off your hard work. During the game you borrow materials from your future self which you have to return by the end of the game to not create a paradox. Time traveling done in a fun way.

Publisher: ThunderGryph Games
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 60-120 minutes
Mechanisms: Worker Placement, Set Collection, Contracts
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
This is a hard game with tons of choices. A rare game that caused me some serious AP problems. The theme is very interesting and well implemented. This worker placement is for the hardcore gamers.

Publisher: NSV
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 20 minutes
Mechanisms: Communication Limits, Cooperative Game
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
This game is something special that shouldn't work…but it does. Players try to play their cards from lowest to highest, on the table on a single deck. You cannot talk with others so you can only follow your instinct if it's your turn or not.

Publisher: Pegasus Spiele
Players: 1-6
Playing Time: 30-60 minutes
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Tile Placement, Scenario / Campaign Game
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
I'm not the biggest fan of tile laying games and I almost gave up on this mechanism. I'm not saying that Dorfromantik brought this genre back, but I can now see a light at the end of the tunnel.
I really like the puzzle-ly twist to the mechanism where players cooperate and plan ahead (much ahead sometimes) to get the best score.
I don't see my self playing this game as an one off, but I do plan to play a 2nd campaign somewhere in the future.

Publisher: NSV
Players: 1-5
Playing Time: 20-30 minutes
Mechanisms: Communication Limits, Cooperative Game, Hand Management
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
If you like numbers, this is a fun activity that will make your brain work. This game makes you experience a variety of feelings in a very short time as you succeed or fail together.

Publisher: Rio Grande Games
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Mechanisms: Deck Building, Open Drafting, Variable Set-up
Sleeves: EUR 59x92mm
The OG deck builder that still stands the test of time. I admit that without the gazzilion expansions, the game would get stale a while back, but with just a few expansions, you get enough material that will last you a lifetime. It is fast, it's furious and it's combotastic…It is my most played game ever.