Is the hunter back, yet? We need the pelts and meat and...nah not really, we need just his money to improve the town!
Designer: Nathan Lige, Brendan McCaskell
Artist: Amanda Kadatz
Published: 2023
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 30-60 Mins
BGG Rating: 7.8
BGG Ranking: 3161
Publisher: Open Owl Studios
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Campaign Game, Variable Player Powers, Worker Placement
Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, USA 57x87mm
Game Description:
During the game, the characters are working together to establish and build a new town in the magical Mythwind Valley. They work to achieve various goals by constructing buildings within the town, adventuring throughout the region, navigating relationships with the mysterious sprites who inhabit the valley, and developing their character-specific professions.
Quick play overview:
Each player is playing his own minigame and at the same time contributing to building up the village.
Players will place their worker in the village to collect help, build new buildings or increase the village production… but the main part is that they will play their own game like Ranger's hunting in the woods, Farmer's growing veggies, merchant selling stuff…
A game is over after a certain amount of turns and by then you hopefully finished the goals that you had for this scenario to collect additional bonuses before you start the next game.
Final thoughts:
This game is described as »cozy« because there is no real threat of failure. If you finish the goals, you get the bonuses and open up new goals for next game.. otherwise you don't get the bonuses but you still bring the upgrades into the next game.
Leveling up your character slowly through the games gives a nice feeling of reaching certain milestones and it pushes you to return to the game to play the better characters.
Gameplay & How often I want to play it: 7/10
The gameplay is very simple. You learn your character and do the same over and over again.
We do plan to finish one »campaign« but we don't have the urge to do it fast. So we are playing one »year« every few months and it's a good relaxing evening.
Art & Graphic Design:
The game is beautiful. The minis are overkill but gorgeous as well.

Rules & Complexity:
There is actually a lot of rules for such a simple game. Every character has a rulebook of it's own…
Once you learn your character, the game is very simple to play.
Theme & Mechanism fit:
Players are building their a villague in the woods. Each doing his part in the growing community.
The farmer is not really farming but it's arranging his garden to fit the most veggies they can and the ranger won't have to clean his bloody hands at the end of game.. but mechanisms do fit.
Fun & Replayability:
If you like to spend a relaxed evening, this game is great. It's not what I want every evening but some days it hits a perfect spot.
Playing the same character over and over gets same-y rather quickly.. but you can switch characters every few games and keep the gameplay fresh.