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Steampunk Rally Fusion
Steampunk Rally Fusion
Take on the role of ingenious inventors from history. Draft cards to invent your racing contraption. Power your creation's abilities with combinations of steam, heat, electricity, and Fusion dice. Use cogs to augment bad dice rolls and upgrade certain machine parts.
- All
- 10/10
- 6/10
- 7/10
- 8/10
- 9/10
- Action Points
- Action Retrieval
- Area Majority
- Auction/Bidding
- Bingo
- Campaign Game
- Chaining
- Collectible Card Game
- Communication Limirs
- Contracts
- Cooperative Game
- Deck Building
- Dice Building
- Dice Rolling
- Drafting
- Dueling Game
- End Game Bonuses
- Engine Builder
- Flicking
- Follow
- Grid Movement
- Hand Management
- Kids Game
- Market speculation
- Multi-Use Cards
- Network and Route Building
- Pattern Building
- Pick-Up and Deliver
- Push Your Luck
- Race
- Real-Time
- Rondel
- Set Collection
- Simultaneous Action Selection
- Solitaire Game
- Spelling
- Storytelling
- Take That
- Tile Placement
- Track Movement
- Trick-taking
- Tug of War
- Variable Player Powers
- Victory Points as a Resource
- Worker Placement