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9 Quick Reviews - December 2024
Continuing the quick reviews of 9 games per month series. These will be smaller or children games that don't need a big review or games that I only played once and I cannot give a final review yet, but I would still like to share my initial thoughts on. Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea Published: 2019 Players: 1-5 Playing Time: 45-120 Mins Publisher: Studio HMechanisms: Contracts, Turn Order: Claim Action, Worker PlacementSleeves: 56x87mm Gameplay & Replayability: 9/10 This game is tight. Every action is important. Every chai gives you a massive boost… when to spend it?? One of...
9 Quick Reviews - November 2024
Continuing the quick reviews of 9 games per month series. These will be smaller or children games that don't need a big review or games that I only played once and I cannot give a final review yet, but I would still like to share my initial thoughts on. Beer & Bread Published: 2022 Players: 2 Playing Time: 30-45 Mins Publisher: Deep Print GamesMechanisms: Closed Drafting, Highest-Lowest Scoring, Multi-Use Cards,Sleeves: 56x87mm Gameplay & Replayability: 6/10 The game has a few rough edges (small rules that stop the flow of the game) that you can iron out with multiple plays....
I race you to that star and back... no, not that one. The one on the left. There!
Race for the Galaxy Designer: Thomas Lehmann Artist: Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan Published: 2007 Players: 2-4 Playing Time: 30-60 Mins BGG Rating: 7.7 BGG Ranking: 78 Publisher: Rio Grande Games Mechanisms: Follow, Hand Management, Multi-Use Cards, Simultaneous Action Selection Sleeves: TCG 63,5x88mm Game Description: In the card game Race for the Galaxy, players build galactic civilizations by playing game cards in front of them that represent worlds or technical and social developments. Some worlds allow players to produce goods, which can be consumed later to gain either card draws or victory points when the appropriate technologies are available to...
When you want a robot raised right, do it yourself...
Raising Robots Designer: Brett Sobol, Seth Van Orden Artist: Viktoriya Fajardo, Howard McWilliam Published: 2023 Players: 1-6 Playing Time: 60-90 Mins BGG Rating: 8.0 BGG Ranking: 3354 Publisher: Nauvoo Games Mechanisms: End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Simultaneous Action Selection, Variable Player Powers Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, STN 57,5x89mm Game Description: In Raising Robots, you are a famous inventor seeking to assemble the greatest collection of robots. Each round, you simultaneously choose and perform two or more actions: upgrade, assemble, design, fabricate, recycle. Every action will be performed with a variable amount of power to make the action better or worse....
A horror story in London...
London Dread Designer: Asger Johansen Artist: Snorre Krogh Published: 2016 Players: 2-4 Playing Time: 60-90 Mins BGG Rating: 6.6 BGG Ranking: 3810 Publisher: Grey Fox Games Mechanics: Cooperative Game, Simultaneous Action Selection, Variable Player Powers Sleeves: TCG 63,5x88mm, MUS 41x63mm Game Description: London Dread is a co-operative game set in Victorian England. Players take on the role of investigators trying to uncover plots on the way to confronting a story specific finale. The game is gritty and thematic, featuring a series of dark events and story lines (such as the appearance of a caped killer on the streets of...
- All
- 10/10
- 6/10
- 7/10
- 8/10
- 9/10
- Action Points
- Action Retrieval
- Area Majority
- Auction/Bidding
- Bingo
- Campaign Game
- Chaining
- Collectible Card Game
- Communication Limirs
- Contracts
- Cooperative Game
- Deck Building
- Dice Building
- Dice Rolling
- Drafting
- Dueling Game
- End Game Bonuses
- Engine Builder
- Flicking
- Follow
- Grid Movement
- Hand Management
- Kids Game
- Market speculation
- Multi-Use Cards
- Network and Route Building
- Pattern Building
- Pick-Up and Deliver
- Push Your Luck
- Race
- Real-Time
- Rondel
- Set Collection
- Simultaneous Action Selection
- Solitaire Game
- Spelling
- Storytelling
- Take That
- Tile Placement
- Track Movement
- Trick-taking
- Tug of War
- Variable Player Powers
- Victory Points as a Resource
- Worker Placement