Tile Placement RSS

6/10, Dice Building, Dice Rolling, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers -

Divinus Designer: Filip MiłuńskiArtist: Matijos Gebreselassie, Karolina Jędrzejak, Mateusz KomadaPublished: 2024Players: 2-4Playing Time: 45-60 MinsBGG Rating: 6.9BGG Ranking: 7583Publisher: Lucky Duck GamesMechanisms: Dice Rolling, Legacy Games, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers   Game Description: Divinus is a competitive, legacy, tile-laying, digital hybrid game in which you play as a demigod seeking to gain the favor of the Gods and ascend to a new pantheon. Players embark on a twelve-scenario campaign that will see them exploring lands, completing quests, interacting with Gods, and impacting the outcome of the epic clash between Greek and Norse pantheons.   Quick play overview: This is...

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Contracts, Cooperative Game, Deck Building, Dice Rolling, Drafting, End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Pattern Building, Push Your Luck, Real-Time, Set Collection, Solitaire Game, Spelling, Tile Placement, Track Movement, Worker Placement -

Continuing the quick reviews of 9 games per month series. These will be smaller or children games that don't need a big review or games that I only played once and I cannot give a final review yet, but I would still like to share my initial thoughts on.   Chants for the Old Ones Published: 2024 Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 60-90 Mins Publisher: Cthulhu ProjectMechanisms: Deck Building, Solitaire Game, Worker PlacementSleeves: 63,5x88mm, 70x120mm Gameplay & Replayability: 8/10 You are trying to make your cult the best one in town so that your boss-god would be the one who spawns...

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8/10, Dice Rolling, Drafting, Network and Route Building, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers -

Santa Maria Designer: Kristian Amundsen Otsby, Eilif SvenssonArtist: Gjermund BohnePublished: 2017 Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 45-90 Mins BGG Rating: 7.5 BGG Ranking: 474Publisher: Aporta GamesMechanisms: Dice Rolling, Network and Route Building, Open Drafting, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers Game Description: Santa Maria is a streamlined, medium complexity Eurogame in which each player establishes and develops a colony. The game features elements of dice drafting and strategic engine building. The game is low on luck and has no direct destructive player conflict.   Quick play overview: Players will mostly use dice from the common pool (and a smaller private...

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Contracts, Dice Rolling, Drafting, End Game Bonuses, Flicking, Hand Management, Network and Route Building, Push Your Luck, Set Collection, Simultaneous Action Selection, Solitaire Game, Tile Placement, Worker Placement -

Continuing the quick reviews of 9 games per month series. These will be smaller or children games that don't need a big review or games that I only played once and I cannot give a final review yet, but I would still like to share my initial thoughts on.   Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea Published: 2019 Players: 1-5 Playing Time: 45-120 Mins Publisher: Studio HMechanisms: Contracts, Turn Order: Claim Action, Worker PlacementSleeves: 56x87mm Gameplay & Replayability: 9/10 This game is tight. Every action is important. Every chai gives you a massive boost… when to spend it?? One of...

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Bingo, Deck Building, Dice Rolling, Drafting, Grid Movement, Hand Management, Multi-Use Cards, Push Your Luck, Set Collection, Simultaneous Action Selection, Solitaire Game, Tile Placement, Worker Placement -

Continuing the quick reviews of 9 games per month series. These will be smaller or children games that don't need a big review or games that I only played once and I cannot give a final review yet, but I would still like to share my initial thoughts on.   Beer & Bread Published: 2022 Players: 2 Playing Time: 30-45 Mins Publisher: Deep Print GamesMechanisms: Closed Drafting, Highest-Lowest Scoring, Multi-Use Cards,Sleeves: 56x87mm Gameplay & Replayability: 6/10 The game has a few rough edges (small rules that stop the flow of the game) that you can iron out with multiple plays....

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