8/10 RSS

8/10, Area Majority, End Game Bonuses, Push Your Luck -

Rolling Heights Designer: John D. Clair Artist: Kwanchai Moriya Published: 2023 Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 45-60 Mins BGG Rating: 7.7 BGG Ranking: 1893 Publisher: AEG Mechanics: Area Majority, Push Your Luck, End Game Bonuses   Game Description: It's the 1920's and your career as a general contractor is about to take off. You have just started your business in a rapidly expanding city. In Rolling Heights, players roll workers in the form of meeples. Standing meeples work hard that day and provide special actions and building materials, while face-down meeples provide nothing. You can always push your luck for better...

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8/10, Area Majority, Contracts, Rondel -

The Red Cathedral: Designer: Isra C., Shei S. Artist: Chema Roman, Pedro Soto Published: 2020 Players: 1-4 Playing Time: 80 Mins BGG Rating: 7.7 BGG Ranking: 187 Publisher: Devir Mechanics: Area Majority, Rondel, Contracts Sleeves: MEU 45x68mm, Game Description: The Red Cathedral is a strategic, “Euro” board game in which the players take the roles of construction teams. Their job is to work together to put up St. Basil's cathedral in Moscow, as ordered by Ivan the Terrible. However, only one of them will be able to gain the favor of the Tsar. Autumn is not the best time to...

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