You, you aaaaaand you.. assemble. We have to fight that guy... Somebody knows his name?

8/10, Cooperative Game, Hand Management, Solitaire Game, Variable Player Powers -

You, you aaaaaand you.. assemble. We have to fight that guy... Somebody knows his name?

Marvel United

Designer: Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
Artist: Edouard Guiton
Published: 2020
Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 40 Mins
BGG Rating: 7.6
BGG Ranking: 300
Publisher: CMON
Mechanisms: Cooperative Game, Hand Management, Solitaire Game, Variable Player Powers
Sleeves: 63,5x88mm


Game Description:

In Marvel United you take the role of iconic Marvel Heroes cooperating to stop the master plan of a powerful Villain controlled by the game. Each Villain unveils their unique master plan, with cards that trigger different effects, and threats that pose challenges across the locations. Heroes must choose carefully the cards to play from their unique decks, that not only offer different actions and superpowers to use, but also combine with the actions of other Heroes to do the impossible. Build your storyline, unite your powers, save the day!


Quick play overview:

Players will play cards from their hands (3 cards at the start) into a row and activating their card + one previously played card from their team mates. Cards will generate MOVE, ATTACK and HEROIC (yes, of course there is a JOLLY icon as well) that will let you move around, hit the thugs and/or save the civilians.

Players will try to save enough civilians, finish off enough thugs and stop enough villain's plots (2 goals) to be able to finally deal damage to the villain itself. The heroes are victorious once they remove the last HP token from the big bad boss.

It would be too easy of a game if only players were to do actions all the time… that's why the villain will activate after every 3rd player turn (and after every 2nd turn once players have finished one goal). Villains will move around and hit players back by removing cards from player hands for each damage they cause.

Heroes are defeated if:

  • Villain runs out of cards (letting the villain do whatever he wants is not very heroic)
  • Each Villain will also have some special win conditions… like knocking out an X amount of players, causing too many crisis, etc.


Final thoughts:

The rules are easy to learn and the game is easy to play. It's a simple family game that builds on known heroes fighting off the bad guys from the comics world.



Gameplay & how often I want to play it: 8/10

I like the quick setup and the quick game play. Playing cards to combo with other players and having a worst turn to help the next player is a satisfying mechanism.

We will play it till we win against all the villains that we have available.


Art & Graphic Design:

The chibi minis are great and the cards and locations have a cartoonish look that is very pleasant to the eye and easy to understand.


Rules & Complexity:

It’s an easy game that get’s the complexity from different heroes combining their “special actions” together and fighting off a variety of villains with different goals and playstyles.


Theme & Mechanism fit:

Super heroes fighting together and helping each other out to defeat the bosses is a perfect mechanism and theme mix.


Fun & Replayability:

It’s an easy and fun game that would get stale fast if you only have the base box. This game needs expansions or KS boxes to make it better.

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